Friday, February 12, 2010

Tailored to Imperfection

Both Deborah and I were interested in supplementing our tropical wardrobe with some cooler clothes. We found a little clothing store in town with some nice, lightweight shirts for me for the very appealing cost of US$5. One I wanted wasn’t available in my size but they were willing to make one up for me the next day (still for only US$5). They were also able to take in the waist of my convertible pants for US$2.60. Love those low-cost labor markets.

Deborah has had a harder time finding clothes in town as they seem mostly fitted to the proportions of the stick thin Indian girls. She did however find at the same shop where I found my shirts a dress she liked which she asked them to shorten into a blouse. In fact she liked the idea so much that she wanted three additional tops made with the same design but in different fabrics. She picked out some material at a fabric store down the street, brought it to the tailor, and he went to work on the tops. The first fitting a day or two later was less than impressive, with the resulting blouse the very definition of ill-fitting. We returned two days later after he had nipped and tucked a bit, but there really weren’t any fewer of the unfortunately place sags and bulges; in fact there were more because they were featured on four blouses instead of just one, although each blouse seemed to possess its own unique quality of poorly assembled fabric. Deborah didn’t see the point of having him redo it again, given his apparent inability to correct his work the first time. She thinks part of the problem is that, in this conservative society, he was reluctant to get too personal with his measuring tape, thus dooming the prospects for a good fit from the start. I’m sure there are plenty of perfectly capable tailors in town; we just happened to stumble across one of the untalented ones. But Deborah believes she can modify the blouses herself when we get home. And because we paid less than US$10 a piece for them it’s hard to complain too much.

Which is more unflattering? The front...

...or the back?

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